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Cathleen Murakami


Ever since I was a small child, I had wondered about the meaning of life.  Why was  I born a female? Why was I born Japanese? Why did I always feels sensitive to too much noise? Why Why Why??!!


I didn’t realize that I was a seeker then and while my path took me into early age piano and ballet lessons, skipping a grade in school, feeling rebellious as a grade schooler and teenager with my very conservative “born in the USA but in Japan during WW2” parents, I never was particularly athletic (I hated P.E. in school).


From cocktail waitressing, to working in a hair salon, selling and delivering Haagen Dazs ice cream….I ended up learning to teach dance exercise in the  early 80’s which spring boarded me to living and teaching in Italy (1986), then leaving Seattle, working on a Cruise ship teaching exercise (1990), apprenticing in London in Pilates (1991), living and working in Baja creating a Pilates resort program (1992-1996), followed by studio ownership where I started with one reformer in an apartment (1996) and grew it to a 1500 sq foot space with treatment rooms, staff, certification courses over the course of nearly twenty years (2015)

I taught many times again in Europe as well as Asia ranging from small studios to large conventions. I also filmed many classes for PilatesAnytime, the first online streaming Pilates exclusive site (of which I still record for), as well as my own instructional videos.


All through this I practiced Yoga, Pranayama, learned about Chinese herbs by working for an herbalist, studied astrology, and submerged myself in a variety of self awareness and personal growth experiences.

After selling my studio 2015,  I returned to work as a program director of Pilates and also developed the GYRO TONIC® program at Rancho la Puerta resort in Baja CA MX.


I stayed for 9 years developing classes, and booking many of the world’s top Pilates and GYROTONIC® master teachers for specialty weeks and can genuinely say that many of them are now dear friends.

During my time there, I became a sound healer/meditation guide and came to realize that all of my life experiences has brought me to this place now where I am focusing my skills on Breath, Movement, & Sound along with traveling!


Every person and encounter I’ve ever had (yes, including two marriages) has led me to be who I am today.  I know I will always be a lifelong student of life…always curious, always wondering. I absolutely know I am a teacher meant to share my discoveries, my own lessons, and so much more.


Whether you want to move your body (w)holistically, learn to use your breath to meditate, experience the healing vibrations of Sound Journeying with crystal bowls, or even do ALL of that with me on one of my Italy trips, I am excited and honored to work with you to guide you to live and feel your absolute best with a full zest for your life!


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Gyrotonic Sales Corp and used with their permission



Copyright © 2025 Cathleen Murakami

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